Date: 09/10/2008
Administrative Message to All Chevrolet Dealerships, Service Managers
Vehicle: 2008 and 2009 Corvettes
Complaint: Windshields with cracks, pit, broken or distortion
General Motors is reviewing customer complaints of windshield cracks, breaks and distortion on 2008 and 2009 Chevrolet Corvettes.
As a result windshields will be placed on parts return for a period of time.
If the dealership has a customer with a complaint of cracks, pitting, breaks or distortion the a call should placed to Kevin Veik at 517-304-3612.
Kevin will have a number of questions that will need to be answered prior to replacing the windshield. Please have someone with knowledge of the complaint contact Kevin prior to replacing any windshield in a 2008 or 2009 Corvette.
Kevin will attempt to return your call with 2 hours. If your call is not returned within two hours please proceed with the repair as required.
Before replacing any windshield it is important to mark the area (Please use a permanent marker or paint pen) where the defect is believed to be.
If the complaint is a crack please circle the complete crack from start to finish. If the complaint is distortion please circle the entire area of customer complaint.
If the windshield is being replaced as a goodwill gesture, please note that on the repair order. Your compliance to this message is greatly appreciated